How to Protect Carpet from Pets [Fully Protected]

How to Protect Carpet from Pets [Fully Protected]

If you have pets, you might have realized how difficult it is to protect your carpet from them. You will have more hassles with dogs. You can vacuum your carpet a couple of times in a week to maintain the hygiene. Also, you can buy medium tone carpets with a few colors to hide pet dirt. There are many other ways to protect carpets from pets. If you want to know how to protect carpet from pets, you can try the following methods below.  

How to Protect Carpet from Pets

How to Protect Carpet from Pets

Go With Stain-resistant Carpet

Stain-resistant carpets are expensive. However, you can use these carpets for a long time. They will come with a protective layer to prevent stains to enter inside the carpet fibers. Also, they can withstand being vacuumed and steam-cleaned. The key benefits they will look fresh and new after cleaning.

Stain Guard

If you have old carpets, you can consider buying a stain guard. This guard will act as a protective layer. You will have to change the guard after a period of time to maintain your carpet fiber and to prevent possible stains. It’s recommended to do it professionally to secure every fiber of your carpet. Even if you miss a spot, it can cause stains to enter inside the fibers.


You will have to clean pet urine immediately to avoid stain and odor. Take some paper towels and step them on using your shoes. It will pull urine and will prevent spreading as well.  Follow this until your paper towels come up dry. Prepare a solution of one cup water and one teaspoon of ammonia. Mix them properly in a spray bottle and spray this on the affected area. Allow it to sit for ten minutes and then use a brush to clean the stain. Now vacuum the area. It will prevent stain spreading and will also eliminate odors.

Trim Their Nails

Your pet’s nails can damage your carpet. You can prevent this by trimming your dog’s nails.  You can also use a pet nail file for a better result. This will make the nails smooth and will protect your hardwood floors and carpet.

Vacuum Regularly

How to Protect Carpet from Pets

You should vacuum your carpets at least twice a week. It is important to get rid of the pet dander. While vacuuming, move your furniture for a thorough vacuum. The pet hair and dander can travel underneath the furniture and get inside the carpet.

Carpet Powder

You can buy a carpet powder specifically designed for pets. Sprinkle carpet powder on your carpet and let it sit for the amount of the time described in the instruction and then vacuum your carpet.

Steam Clean

You should steam clean your carpet once in a month to get rid of the pet hair, dander, and saliva. You can use a mild cleaner to maintain the delicacy of your carpet.

Bottom Line

Now you know how to protect carpet from pets. You can follow these steps to ensure the cleanliness and longevity of your carpets. Remember to remove pet urine as quickly as possible to prevent staining. You can also do routine maintenance on your carpet to extend the lifespan of your carpet.

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